

WinBack Labs was founded on a simple premise: 
Customer winback scales revenue faster and cheaper than new customer acquisition and belongs in every revenue playbook.  


Very few companies are aware of the tremendous revenue opportunity lying dormant in their database of past customers, and that means a lot of money is being left on the table. 

Our mission is to get the word out and shine a light on this under-valued sales growth strategy.  

One resource that's particularly helpful in demonstrating the value of past customers is the Customer WinBack Benchmark Study.  

It offers a number of benchmarks, best practices and case studies from two of the world's top sales thought leaders (Jeb Blount and Jill Griffin).


Dan Pfister 

Dan Pfister has been a marketer for over two decades and has spent thousands of hours testing and implementing a wide variety of sales and marketing strategies. 

In total they’ve generated over 50,000 customers and have allowed him to work with brands like Fidelity Investments and Tony Robbins.

In 2016 Dan launched his first winback campaign and was more than surprised when it produced an amazing 57X ROI.

Nothing in his 20 years of marketing had created that much revenue, that fast at such a low cost.

Based on the success and predictability of winback, Dan founded WinBack Labs and became an evangelist for this under-valued and under-appreciated revenue strategy.