Programs & Pricing

Two Programs

WinBack Lab

Over the course of two half day sessions we create your WinBack Revenue Engine Playbook.  

The Playbook is tailor made for your organization based on your goals and priorities with a focus on generating high velocity revenue and increasing customer retention.

WinBack Revenue Engine

This is an ongoing program where we execute on the playbook created in the WinBack Lab and together we'll create and optimize your own high-performing WinBack Revenue Engine.

WinBack Lab

$9500 - Two Half-Day Sessions


The Lab delivers 3 core outcomes.

1 - Clarity

You’ll get clarity around the value WinBack can deliver to your organization in terms of revenue, ROI, CAC, LTV, profit and increased customer retention.

2 - Strategic WinBack Path

We’ll determine the optimal WinBack path for your company based on your vision, goals and priorities.  

3 - WinBack Revenue Engine Playbook

We'll create the playbook for constructing your  WinBack Revenue Engine.

This will be your comprehensive guide to creating a new profit center in your business.

What Happens in the Lab?

The Lab is broken up into three tranches.

1 - Mission, Vision & Priorities

We start by looking at what’s important to your organization so we have the context needed to create a WinBack process aligned with your goals and values.

2 - Acquisition & Retention Processes

Next we look at how you acquire and retain customers.  

Your current processes are key to creating WinBack cadences so we’ll be asking a lot of questions about your marketing, sales and customer success processes.

3 - WinBack Revenue Engine Playbook

The bulk of the Lab is devoted to creating the WinBack Revenue Engine Playbook.  

We’ll create a playbook which includes the framework, workflow processes and timelines for the construction of your own WinBack Revenue Engine.


You’ll receive a customized and fully executable playbook to create your own WinBack Revenue Engine which will include:

1.  A detailed plan for identifying, ranking and segmenting your high potential past clients.

2.  A research process for determining why your customers left, what it’ll take to win them back and what’s needed to retain them once they return.

3.  A WinBack path and a detailed workflow process for constructing each segment of the path.

4.  A framework for getting your organization WinBack ready, optimizing the WinBack path and rolling out your WinBack campaign.

WinBack Revenue Engine

$8900 / Month  (3 Month Minimum)

This is an ongoing program where we execute on the playbook created in the WinBack Lab and create your high performing WinBack Revenue Engine.

The Engine is designed to:

 Generate high velocity revenue (high win rate, short sales cycle, large deal value) 
Significantly reduce churn
Increase customer lifetime value